Wednesday 27 December 2006

The Landmark Trust

So, what is a Landmark Trust property and who are the Trust?

The Landmark Trust was founded in 1965 by Sir John and Lady Smith. It is a charity that supports and promotes the preservation and restoration of historical buildings. Of particular interest are those that are of architectural interest, such as 'The Pineapple' in Scotland...

The beauty of the Landmark Trust is that once a building has been saved and restored, they are available to rent for a holiday!

The letting income generated then pays for the buildings’ future maintenance.

The Landmark Trust currently has over 180 properties to rent for short breaks or week-long stays. They make great venues for a quiet weekend away for two, a family get-together or a special celebration.

To find out more about the Landmark Trust, you can visit their website or just take a look at some of the featured properties

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