Thursday 28 December 2006

Gothic Temple - Dec 04/Jan 05

So, the next one was the Gothic Temple.....
Facts and figures:
  • built in 1741 by Charles Bridgeman and William Kent
  • designed by James Gibbs
  • located in Stowe Gardens
  • the rooms are all circular with the main vault being painted with heraldry
  • first floor gallery
  • Stowe School gave the LT a long lease in 1970

Four of us chose to see in 2005 in the delights of the Gothic Temple. I say delights, but it was bloody freezing (we were warned in the guidebook that this may be the case!)

We entertained ourselves by walking around Stowe Gardens (they are owned by National Trust, but you get unlimited access);
entertaining friends that visited for the day; walking to Silverstone racetrack; and looking at the reaction of children that realised there were people actually in the building!

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