Wednesday 27 December 2006

Blockhouse photographs

To brighten up the blog - check out these pictures from the blockhouse...

The roof
Great on a sunny day
(except we were there in early April with the wind blowing a gale!)

The drawbridge
Legend has it (well, according to the log book) that one unfortunate visitor was so keen to get inside, he ran down the pathway, which is no mean feat; down the steps... oh, I forgot to mention that it had been raining.... and that he was carrying a box of wine...... ran across the drawbridge and proceeded to slip and fall to the pit below, breaking his leg.
Needless to say, there are now railings either side of the drawbridge and unfortunately it cannot be raised.

View of The Blockhouse from the front, near the cliff edge

The whole of The Blockhouse from the edge of the cliff

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